14 APRIL 1986
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial Item Description.
SCOPE. This Commercial Item Description (CID) specified a Quad-Output, 95 watt switching power supply which features regulated ± 5 VDC and ± 5 VDC output for the driving the CRT display in the Fire Control Radar Track and System Control Test Station. This system shall be known as Quad-Output Switching Power Supply.
MIL-T-28800- Test Equipment for Use with Electrical and Electronic Equipment, General Specification for
MIL-M-38797- Manuals Technical: Operation Instructions and Maintenance Instructions
MIL-M-7298- Manuals, Technical: Commercial Equipment
1. Performance Requirements.
a. Quad-Output Switching Power Supply. The power supply has four output modules consisting of 95 watts switching. Output voltage is protected against overload and short circuit by an electronic current limiting fold back circuit with automatic reset upon removal of the short circuit or overload. The power supply shall be capable of providing a constant voltage output which can be set at an input of 105-132 volts AC with 47-420 Hz frequency range. The current ratings available for each nominal voltage are as follows:
Output #1 |
Output #2 |
Output #3 |
Output #4 |
5VDC@3.5A |
15VDC@2.0A |
-15VDC@2.0A |
-5VDC@3.5A |
The power supply shall have the complete facility for calibrating at the above ranges of power.
b. Voltage Accuracy. The input Line Regulation and the Regulation Load shall be accurate to within 0.1 percent or 10mV for rated line change.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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